I've written before about how I'm a amember of the WPJA, and also how when I entered my first contest with the WPJA that I placed, and could now be considered 'award-winning'.
Well, I entered the most recent [AG]WPJA contest . The [AG]WPJA is the 'Artistic Guild' of the Wedding Photojournalist Association, a sub-group of the WPJA, which is -- from the site: "A group of international wedding photojournalists, who capture unscripted wedding moments as they happen, and excel in the art of post-production image processing," or basically -- you're good at not only capturing images ina photojounalistic style, but that you're good at Photoshop/post-processing after you've shot the images). To be listed as a member of the [AG]WPJA (and not just the regular WPJA), you have to have placed in the top ten in one of their contests to be considered a 'member' and listed.
So, all that to say -- I entered the most recent contest, and placed in the top ten!! So I'm now a member of the WPJA, and the [AG]WPJA. I'm thrilled, because I think my post-processing is one of the things that sets me apart, and I'm glad to be recognized because of it. The above shot is the the image that placed. If you want to see it on the site, you can see it by clicking here. I entered it in the 'details' category. The judges comments were: Classic, timeless elegance is reflected in this well toned image. The vertical lines of the veil contrast the looped hair which is offset by the ornaments. It's a simple moment that has been pushed along by great toning. Anyhow, I'm thrilled to have another 'award-winning' image! Especially because I really love this image -- it's just nice to be recognized doing something you love and have so much passion about. I also recently had another image get into a wedding magazine. I'll scan it and show it to you guys soon!